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Thanks for helping others!
Here are a few simple ways
you can make a difference right now.

Click to give - no cost to you

GreaterGood makes a small donation for free for each daily click, funded by ads.


Here you can support causes like fighting hunger, breast cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabietes, and supporting animal rescue, veterans, autism therapy, literacy, and rainforest preservation.

Freerice is operated by the United Nations World Food Programme, and is also funded by ads.


You play their quiz games, and each time you answer a question right, money is generated for the World Food Programme to buy rice to distribute to hungry people around the world.

Kiva is a fantastic microlending program. It's not a donation -- you lend money and get paid back.


You can lend as little as $25, and choose people and projects from 85 countries, including those supporting women, refugees, disaster recovery, or environmental protection.

Donate whatever you can

The International Rescue Committee responds to the world's worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster.


The IRC works in over 40 countries, and you can support them through donations or rescue gifts.

GlobalGiving is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting vetted nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country.


You pick your favorite projects to fund across a wide array of causes, and get updates about how your money is put to work by trusted organizations around the world.

Wildlife Conservation Network is dedicated to protecting endangered species and preserving their natural habitats. 


They partner with independent, community-based conservationists around the world and provide them with the capital and tools they need to develop solutions for human-wildlife coexistence.

Volunteer your time

VolunteerMatch is the largest network in the nonprofit world, with the most volunteers, nonprofits and opportunities to make a difference.


They offer both online and in-person volunteering across a wide variety of causes, with an advanced search feature that helps you find the opportunity that will work best for you.

United Nations Volunteers offers online volunteering that allows organizations and volunteers to team up to address sustainable development challenges – anywhere in the world, from any device.


Skills needed include writing, editing design, technology, research, and translation.

Volunteers For Peace (VFP) offers over 3,000 projects in more than 90 countries for intercultural education, service learning, and community development.


You can go for just a week, or up to a year, and choose the cause that most appeals to you.  The fees are much lower than most overseas volunteer programs.

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